About us 關於我們

Oakey Dokey Wine 是一間葡萄酒進口公司、零售店及葡萄酒酒吧,同時經營網上商店及實體店。我們親自從世界各地進口各款極具特色、風格新穎的酒類產品,以親民的價格帶給顧客嶄新的選擇,並為客人打造一個友善舒適的環境以享受高質素酒類飲品、各款小食及菜式。

Oakey Dokey Wine is an importer, a retail shop and a wine bar with both online and physical store. We import alcohol products with novel style and extraordinary character from all over the world. We strive to provide customers with new choices at a reasonable price, as well as creating a friendly and comfortable environment for them to enjoy high quality alcoholic drinks, snacks and various dishes.